Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: 10 Can you guess the next statement? It iDown which i s just the opposite your pen was movi ing the Up position, using Down will pr ing down SO can draw again What if your pen was already dn when you use&pt hta tement? The answer nothing will happen, and the pen will still stay up Li kew. the pen was down and you Down statement will stay down and no harm will be done Using these three new stat ements you can draw quite lot of interesting things The next stat ement that 11 tell you about will save you typi ing The teme Repeat and using you can tell LogoMation to execute bunch of statements several times Let me demonstrate Suppose you wanted to draw a square with each side 100 pixels long and then to lift the pen an Here ic program that does Forward 100 Left 90 Forward 100 Left Forward 100 L ...